The day quickly warmed, and a short-sleeved shirt was in order. Getting outside the rest of the day was pleasant. That is, until Scout insisted we once again see the great outdoors at nearly one in the morning. Granted, he did have good reason for going outside. But one, I didn't take time to grab a jacket, and two, he and Deutsch were suddenly ready to explore the neighborhood. And wouldn't you just know it, neither remembered to increase the volume on their little hearing aids. Well, of course, they don't really wear hearing devices, but perhaps they might benefit from them. Or I might, because I called them repeatedly to come inside, and they didn't even acknowledge my presence. Or maybe, Santa will give them a gift certificate to obedience school.
On their behalf, I must say that I have not had to beg them to eat for about a week. Ok. That's a plus. But on my behalf, I have to say that I have been a very patient bedfellow. I put them into bed ahead of the time I get myself there. By the time I do get there, they have staked their claim and simply refuse to move from their newly acquired territory. And like I said, I'm fairly patient. I pretty much have no choice in the matter, though, since I have spoiled those two rotten.
Well, gotta go. Got two little dachshunds to wrest from my side of the bed.
Huh! That'll be the day.
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