As you can plainly see, the snow is not gone yet, and neither is the fun I'm having with it. There is the occasional green peeping out from underneath, but for the most part, there is plenty of the white stuff all over the place. Though rain is predicted for the 25th (And that will take care of much of the snow.), we should still have a white Christmas, if only by default.
Fortunately, getting out and about now is no longer a task. There is lots of snow everywhere, but the main thoroughfares are pretty much snow free. Tonight Squidley and I ran a few errands and took time to enjoy a couple of chicken salad sandwiches. We are not doing major shopping this year, but we did stop off to pick up a few extra things for Deutsch and Scout. Believe it or not, they get very excited when there are packages to be opened. Whenever a package is delivered to the front door and then brought indoors, they are just so very excited. And when a package contains something for them, they just begin dancing with joy. We will enjoy sharing their excitement when they receive their presents on Christmas morning.
Take good care. Until Christmas Eve, nighty night.