This is one of my favorite photographs from today. And it serves as a great explanation of why photographing the two was such a difficult undertaking. The next three shots also show what the camera lens was capturing.

Scout dashing through the snow
Looks like Scout's "dashing" formed a sorta scientific symbol.
Scout bounding up the steps
Whee! What fun.
miniature snow plows
dachshund signatures

Squidley and I made an impromptu decision to attend a movie this evening. It began snowing about an hour and a half before we left the house, but by the time we got to the theatre, there was little snow on the ground. So we figured there'd be at most a light layer of snow once the movie was over. Oh, my goodness! There must have been three to four inches, though I admit I'm not much of an estimator. Driving home was no problem for Squidley. (He's a very good driver.) And he drove with the 4 wd option. However, several drivers on the road did not carefully consider their snow-driving skills (or the lack, thereof) before putting rubber to pavement. Two of those drivers smashed their cars and ended up on the road's shoulder. When we passed the scene, emergency vehicles for both persons and vehicles were already in attendance.On a humorous note, there were trucks dilligently "salting" the main road, and just on their heels (I'm not kidding you.) were the snowplows, presumably scraping up all the salt that had just been laid.
So, when we left for the movie, we were under a winter storm warning. And upon returning, and checking the weather update, we learned that the warning had been upgraded to a blizzard. And not the Dairy Queen kind either. Too funny. On the way out this evening, I mentioned the possibility of a blizzard to Squidley. Of course that brought one gigantic guffaw.
Well, we'll do our best to weather this storm (pun totally intended). However, it's already had a tremendous effect on one household member, and I'm not looking forward to breaking the news to Squidley when he awakens from his snooze on the sofa. I mean, really, is there an easy way to tell a guy that his satellite dish lost the snowball fight?
Not to worry, though. It is for this reason (heavy snowfall), and this reason only that we own a broom.
Hope everyone has a good weekend!
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