Thursday, March 4, 2010

Not Keeping Me in Stitches

There are quite a few pictures I want to post tonight, but something is just not allowing me to load them to this page. I'm thinking it could be the server because my email is acting odd. Some of my mail has seemingly vanished. And Squidley is unable to send emails.
All that is pretty much par for the course; equipment malfunction seems to have been the order of the day. First, my iron would not work. Sometimes I unplug it, then plug it in again. When that didn't work, I tried it again. I "pretend" ironed, thinking that would get it started. Nada. I pressed the steamer button repeatedly, only to cover part of the ironing board with little water puddles. I even tried baby talking to the iron, doing my best to coerce it in to getting with the program.. Eventually, it magically began to huff and puff. (Deutsch and Scout think, because I've told them so, that the iron is a baby dragon. I hold it up, so that it is facing them, and over and over press the steam button until steam is emitted and the iron begins making little hissing sounds.)
So next I begin sewing. I sew six rows, each consisting of six squares. I then begin ironing the seams in each row. The iron once again quit on me. After a while, it once again came to life, and I was able to finish ironing all six rows.
Next, I began sewing the rows together. Well, when I'd nearly finished sewing the second and third rows together, suddenly the machine's needle broke into two pieces and popped up into the air. I replaced the needle but noticed that it would not hit the tiny opening in the center of the quarter inch guide. Hmmm. I rethreaded and checked the bobbin. At last I realized that the stitch number "box" read "8" rather than "1" as it should have. So, somehow I'd mistakenly changed the stitch setting. Anyway, I began sewing again, but something was amiss because, while there were well executed stitches, the needle was at other times skipping sitches.
I have been so excited about this project, which is sorta being invented as I go along. Having to put it aside just as I had found my groove was disappointing. And now I'll have to ask Squidley to have a look see, and if he cant't correct the problem, into the shop it will not so merrily go.
Hope everything is working for you.
Nighty night, everyone.

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