This birthday might be considered blase by some, but for me, it was, quite simply, a day of contentment.
I slept in for a bit, but not too late. And soon after I woke, I received a telephone call from Squidley and a friend of his from work. They sang "Happy Birthday" to me, and I loved, loved, LOVED it! But hold on. Just a little later, another friend of Squidley's from work called and sang the Ferris Bueller version (penned, of course, by McCartney) of "Birthday Lyrics" to me. You know, the "Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh, they say it's your BIRTHday!" version. Loved both renditions. Thanks, guys.
I played with Scout, Deutsch, and India, which, of course, is something I do every day; however, like the morning birthday calls, they just made the day especially happy.
Around lunchtime, I donned my bike shorts and top, gathered the essentials needed for my afternoon biking excursion, and put the tires to pavement. And until I reached the first stop sign, I had no clue as to where I would go. At that point, I decided on approximately the first two miles of my trip. And on reaching that point, I accomplished an errand on my "to do" list. From there, I just made up my route as I went.
I spent a little time by the river and enjoyed a nice, cold, refreshing drink. Then I rode, and I rode, and I rode some more. And I made another little stop along the way. Soon after that stop, I paused for a brief photography session. Now, I don't know the mileage of my little outing, but I for sure got in a very good ride.
After I got home, fed Scout, India, and Deutsch and took them outside, I think I set some kind of record for taking a shower. I knew Squidley would be home soon to take me to dinner.
We had a wonderful evening together, and we did the cake thing later in the evening. And I talked by telephone with those who, along with Squidley, mean the world to me. Now, the five of us are having a pajama party, something that is a happy event for all of us, but especially for the three little ones. It is the highlight of the day for them.
And this birthday, regardless of how stodgy it may seem, was, for me, filled with sweet contentment.
Wishing all of us many, many, many happy birthdays. And many, many more on top of those.
Nighty night, dear ones.
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