During the early afternoon, Squidley and I ran a couple of errands. On the way home, we decided to ride around for a while and see the old snow while the new snow was lightly falling. I took quite a few pictures, some of them published in today's blog entry. While out and about, the snow intensified, and there was absolutely no traffic where we were. Of course that meant plenty of snow on the road, which, by the way, wasn't slippery. Nonetheless, at one point, after noticing no other vehicle tracks on the road, I mentioned to Squidley that that was actually kinda scary. I mean, maybe all the people not on the road knew something we didn't know.
Well, we made it home just fine, and the biggest challenge has been sweeping the snow off the satellite dish. Oh, and we had a not so typical dinner of pancakes. And no complaints from me. I love sugar, and eating pancakes was kinda like having cake for dinner. Cake with butter and syrup on top.
Well, I'm going to get cozy in bed and perhaps read or knit or work in one of my puzzle books. Real exciting, huh? Hey, I've got to relax so that I'll be ready for a big snowball fight tomorrow. Seriously, I do want to build a snowman. Maybe two. Then they can duke it out with the snowballs I'll make then.
All right. I 'm getting silly now. I'm tired and going to bed.
Nighty night.
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