When Deutsch and Scout suddenly began barking this afternoon, I left them in the sitting room and walked to the front door to investigate for them. I wasn't for sure counting on there being "something." Occasionally I have to chide them for "barking at nothing." Just as "Seinfeld" was often described as a show about nothing, so, too, can their barking sometimes be described.
Today, however, I quickly learned they were barking about something. One might wonder how they could possibly detect a living creature on the other side of a closed door, particularly when they had not been able to see it. My answer: They're dachshunds. Their sense of smell and their sense of hearing are incredible.
At an rate, I looked out a front window to see a chubby gray squirrel. I don't know what he's been eating, since the ground until only days ago had been covered with a thick layer of snow for about the past several weeks. Perhaps he was indeed resorceful last Fall, stocked a full pantry, and then, when the cold temps and snow and blizzard arrived, just laid up like a couch potato until the melting process was well underway. (Honestly, he and his "plumpness" reminded me of how I look during those times when I just can't keep my hands out of the cookie jar.)
And just a by the way . . . The fellow may be doing a little reverse turn this weekend if we get more snow as has been predicted. He's gonna think he's a groundhog and not reappear for six more weeks.
Well, the day has been nice and very busy. Squidley took me to lunch at a new place he'd already tried, and though the food was good, the service was not impressive. Maybe it will just take some time to smooth the rough edges. I will say that the view from the facility is wonderful, and I wish I had taken my camera along.
Later on, I did housework and laundry, and I did a bit of sewing preparation. I want to practice some specialty stitching as I try to determine how I will "quilt" the little picnic quilt I recently started.
Well, I am, as usual, quite tired. So I am now on my way to the beddy bye.
Nighty night, everyone.
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