Sunday, May 9, 2010

Olan Mills Stills

I had planned a lengthier post this evening; however, due to unforseen circumstances, that is simply not going to happen. One larger dachshund suddenly appeared in front of my feet, and I tripped. As I stumbled, I also stepped on little India's front paw or back foot. I'm not sure which. (She's just fine.) Meanwhile, I fell all the way to the floor, after throwing my arms downward in an effort to lessen the consequences of the unavoidable fall. The result: both upper arms are quite achy (in the same spot on each arm), and my neck is achy as well. So Squidley has given me a nice dose of motrin and is sending me to bed. So, I should be ok. But I tell you what: if this inteferes in any way with my housework, I'll just scream! (Insert a huge guffaw at this point.)

So, the above pictures have just made my day, and I want to share them with you.

I hope your weekend was pleasant, and I hope your week will be wonderful.

Nighty night, all.

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