Monday, November 30, 2009

Delete, Delete, Delete

Oh, where do I begin! It's been nearly a week since we started out on our little adventure, and already I've over a thousand pictures under my belt. To tell the truth, the original number startled even me, and I quickly set out to amend the figure, deleting around 450 shots. Usually it's just easier to have a little deleting party once the pictures are on the laptop, but I sort of got in a bind when I reached the stick maximum and ended up having a little impromptu deleting party right beside Mt. Everest. Since there was no wait for the infamous attraction, Squidley played out a little "Groundhog Day" scenario, enjoying the ride over and over again. So many times that he at last bought a souvenir picture showing him with his mouth in wide-open screaming position and his arms fully stretched upward towards the sky. To top things off, I managed to get a nice little shot of my own, though Squidley had abandoned the arm stretching ritual. There was, however, a huge smile on his face. He just loves going fast, that boy!
I will share much more of our holiday. And I will post many more photographs, though I promise I will not publish every single one of them.
Meanwhile, we are both so very tired. But in a good way. We are making so many good memories and having a very happy time.
Going to go beddy bye now. Nighty night to all.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Town Come to Country

Nothing like a little time in the country.
Nighty night.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This One's for You

These photographs are four that I shot this morning. I was photographing the beautiful rose bushes when Squidley requested a closeup of a particular rain kissed, blossoming rose. The result is above and beyond what I'd hoped to deliver to him.
I especially like the reds and pinks involved in the photos. Those hues put a sort of romantic slant on the Fall theme. Beautiful.
And I conclude this post with something I saw on a church sign this afternoon: 'We should celebrate Thanksgiving every day.'
Here, here!

Road Mode

Riding may not be a Scout and Deutsch favorite, but they nonetheless make a mad dash for the vehicle when they hear the word "Jeep." When we traveled to Florida about three months ago, they were making their longest journey to date. And no one got sick even in the least.
I must say, in their defense, that Scout and Deutsch are actually very good travelers, in part, perhaps, because we make frequent stops for them. And unlike when they were puppies, I think they really enjoy traveling along the highway. Can you say, "ROAD TRIP!"?
We also consider getaways as important for them as for us. Concern for their enjoyment is not an afterthought. It is a priority. And it is so wonderfull seeing them happy and fully enjoying themselves.
This posting, by the way, is for Tuesday the 24th. I was simply tired and didn't get it put to bed. I did indeed put myself to bed.
And speaking of bed, I'll be there soon. After I do today's post.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Rub a Dub Dub

Whew! It's been a busy, busy weekend. Among other things, I tackled the leaves in back of the house while Squidley worked. I worked for a few hours one day and about the same the next. On the second day, as I was nearly finished but just about whipped, Squidley appeared and voila! The job was completed in no time.
Leaves continue to fall from the branches, but the bulk of them have lived up to the season's name. So, there will be a second round, but the job should be much easier.
After we finished the outdoor work, I jumped into the bathtub, per Squidley's order, and scrubbed myself until I was squeaky clean. I practically set a world's record bathing, drying my hair, applying makep, and getting dressed. We were going to dinner. Yippee! We drove to a nearby town for a beautiful and wonderful dinner. The occasion marked the anniversary of the day Squidley and I met. That was eleven years ago, and nearly two years later we wed.
I am again going to keep this short as I'm very tired. So, so busy. And Squidley even put up the Christmas tree this evening. So very pretty with so many little white lights.
I hope your weekend was a pleasant one.
Nighty night.

Pansy Parade

Nighty night.

Friday, November 20, 2009


We have both worked very hard today, and we can barely keep our eyes open.
Nighty night.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

She Said, He Said

Continuing to post Fall photographs, even now, as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, must to some seem quite habitual. Perhaps, somewhat. For the most part, however, it is a dedication to document the season's communication until she at last surrenders to winter. Each of the four pictures posted were taken by me at our home, and the fourth, depicting the trespassing upon Autumns's colorful canvas, simultaneously records one response to Fall's communique.
Wishing all a pleasant Friday.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Too Tired to Tango

This "Window into Wednesday" is a view from my sewing desk, and in particular, the view for a few days recently when we had rain, rain, and more rain. Sitting here is one of my favorite spots for staying busy and simply reflecting.

Well, it's time to put on the broken record. Yes, you guessed it. I am very tired. I have stayed busy all day long, so I need sleep. Tomorrow I plan on posting you some photos from one of today's projects.

Nighty night.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mini Tippi Tribute

I shot all these photos this afternoon while standing in front of my house. I know, I know. Even more Fall. But study the last picture. It can be enlarged for an up close and personal of the birds, and a better look is gleaned of two of the birds actually in flight. I love it.
Once again I'm keeping this short, as I'm very tired after an evening out with seven others. We had a great time, but I must say, at the risk of sounding like a broken record (or broken cd), I am really tired.
Nighty night.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tuckered Out

We have been at the home of some good friends for most of the evening and are really very tired. Monday, you know.

Into the beddy bye we go now.

Nighty night.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

In a Stew

It might be tiring to see even more photographs of Fall, but I didn't want to exclude these lovelies taken near our home. In fact, Squidley took me to lunch one day and afterward, stopped along the way home to offer me a wonderful seasonal photo op.

Our weekend has been very nice and very busy. This afternoon I found time to do a bit of sewing while Squidley started a Brunswick stew. I temporarily abandoned my sewing machine twice when called to the kitchen to sample the evening's fare. Yummy. I had two servings, plus a few crackers for dunking. Squidley makes the best Brunswick stew in the whole wide world.
Take good care and have a good week.