Monday, January 11, 2010

Almost Polishing the Silverware

I recast for the first mitt this evening and have knitted fourteen rows. Not a lot, but I am just still feeling puny. Anyway, after determining that the pattern I followed for the initial attempt was just too large for me, I'm now wondering if my second try might be too small. I'll knit some more rows and continue trying on the mitt. If it's not right, I don't in the least mind starting again. After all, I want the fit right so that I'll actually wear the pair often.
Tonight I tried a new medicine. My nasal passages are less congested, but I feel like I could stop resting and clean the whole house. I don't mind the idea of housework, but now is not the time. That's the thing with some medications, though. Some can make you feel like a truck driver on a two day run, and others can lull you into a nice, restful sleep. I much prefer the latter.
So, I just have to say that despite not feeling up to par, I am grateful to Squidley for making the homemade chicken noodle soup the day before yesterday. I heated a bowl for a late lunch this afternoon. Now I can't say that it made me better; however, it was just very special and comforting. And it's things like that that make all the difference.

I hope there are things that are comforting you today and everyday.

Nighty night.

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